
अपने वॉर्डप्रेस वेबसाईट के रिलेटेड आइटम को category के अनुसार जावास्क्रिप्ट की मदद से दिखाएं । यह एक टेस्टिड कीया हुआ कोड है जो आपको बताया जा रहा है । प्रथम चरण जहा पे रिलेटेड आइटम दिखाना है वह इस कोड को पेस्ट करें । <div id=”related-items” class=”related-posts-container” data-post-id=”<?php echo get_the_ID(); ?>”> <div id=”loading-icon”></div> </div> […]


Google Drive is an excellent platform for store & sharing files, but sometimes, the shareable links it generates are not ideal for direct downloads. If you’re tired of manually editing links or want a hassle-free way to create downloadable links, our tool is here to help! Why Use a Downloadable Link Converter? A Google Drive […]


With this given QR code generator you can create QR code to receive fixed payments in your account. After filling all the information in the given box and clicking on the generate button, create the QR code. And download it by clicking on the download button.


Through this tool, you can see the table of any math number in just one click. If you want to see the table of any number from 0 to 10 or 20 or any range, then you can see that too through this tool. You Can use this helpful tool on your mobile or computer. […]