How to use hover in After/before Condition in CSS

When you use after and before condition and you want to add hover in css code so follow these steps and use hover in after/before tag.

How to use hover tag in After/Before

when you have already add after/before tag like-

.post h3:after {
width: fit-content;
background: red;


.post h3:before{
width: fit-content;
background: red;

Then you want to use hover so try to this type coding

.post h3:hover::after {
width: fit-content;
background: blue;


.post h3:hover::before{
width: fit-content;
background: blue;

Note – Make sure your code in correct. If this type code not working in your theme so contact me via contact us page. Thank you for coming in this web page.


Can i use hover tag in after or before tag in CSS?
Yes! you can use hover in after/before tag in CSS.