Show Parent Category Only in Permalink | WordPress

You want to show only parent category name on slug/url/permalink. So simple add category on permalink structure and add given code in your active theme’s functions.php.

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How To Do

First of all set or add category in permalink, So follow simple steps

Show Parent Category Only
  • Go to WordPress DASHBOARD.
  • Click on Setting then click to Permalinks.
  • Then Add category and SAVE.

After complete this process, Then open CPANEL and go to active theme’s functions.php

  • Open CPANEL.
  • Then click on pubilc_html.
  • Then click on wp-content then go to theme.
  • Now open active theme’s folder then open or edit functions.php.
function thekroyaard_hide_child_cat_from_url( $category ) {
while ( $category->parent ) {
$category = get_term( $category->parent, 'category' );

return $category;
add_filter( 'post_link_category', 'thekroyaard_hide_child_cat_from_url' );
  • Paste this code and SAVE functions.php.

Hope this code will work fine. Have another doubt so contact me via contact us form.