View Your Percentage Score in Grade and Division | Student Life

View table and find out your percentage on grade and division. If you are student so this table useful otherwise read table and increase general knowledge.

View Percent in Grade (school)

Grade Percentage
A+ 86% – 100%
A 76% – 85%
B+ 66% – 75%
B 56% – 65%
C+ 51% – 55%
C 46% – 50%
D 33% – 45%
F 32 % – 0%

View your score percentage in grade. This table’s information collected from school’s examinations result.

View Percent in Grade (other)

Grade Percent Definition
A+ 90% – 100% Excellent
A 85% – 89% Very Good
A- 80% – 84% Very Good
B+ 75% – 79% Good
B 70% – 74% Good
C+ 65% – 69% Adequate
F 0 – 64% Inadequate

View your score percentage in grade. This table’s information collected from internet.

View Position in Division

Division Percent
First Division 60% – 100%
Second Division 50% – 59.99%
Third Division 30% – 49.99%

View your score percentage in division. This table’s information collected from internet. If any wrong information on this table so Contact_us. Thank for reading this article.