Stop Indexing Selected Text on Google

Want to stop index some text, paragraph and any element on google so use data-nosnippet. In this article you know how to stop indexing selected words.

How to Do

  • If you want to stop indexing something from theme so open theme folder.
  • Find out place you want to stop indexing and paste data-nosnippet inside <div>, <span>, <section> or <p>.
    (Ex. – <div data-nosnippet> thekroyaard tricks </div>)
  • Then SAVE now.

  • If you want to stop some words from blog post or page so find out <p> tag and add data-nosnippet.
    (ex. – <p><span data-nosnippet> Vandey Mataram </span></p>)

Hope this article helpful for you, Have another doubts so Contact us. Thank you