You have a WordPress website on Google Cloud, and you want to set domain name on or replace ip address to domain name. So follow simple steps using computer. How to Do Open and login on Google Cloud dashboard. Tab on Network services and click to Cloud DNS. Now click to create DNS zone. Zone […]

अगर आपके पास वॉर्डप्रेस मे वेबसाईट है और आप उस वेबसाईट को गूगल क्लाउड मे माइग्रैट करना चाहते हैं तो आप ऐसा खुद कर सकते हैं और वो भि बिना किसी शुल्क के । उसके लिए पहले आप गूगल क्लाउड मे अकाउंट बनाए फिर नीचे दिए हुए स्टेप्स को फॉलो करें । कैसे करें पहले […]


You want to change URL from database like to So you can easily to change URL using simple command on apache server. How to Do Open terminal or SSH and login there. Go to directory using cd /var/www/html command. Then use given command to change WordPress’s site url and home url. wp option […]

You have a WordPress website on Google cloud, And you want to make any type of changes but not have permission. So use give command on your server terminal and change access permission. How to Do Open server’s terminal and login. Now check your current access status using stat -c “%a %n” /var/www/html/ command. If […]

First of all check intl Module installed or not. So hover on Tools then click to Health. If showing intl Module missing then install using steps How to Install intl Module Open SSH or terminal and login there. Now check php version using php -v command. Then enter command – sudo apt install php8.1-intl Change […]