First of all check zip Module installed or not. So hover on Tools then click to Health. If showing zip Module missing then follow simple steps for installation. How to Install zip Module Open SSH or terminal and login there. Now check php version using php -v command. Then enter command – sudo apt-get install […]

First of all check imagick Module installed or not. So hover on Tools then click to Health. If showing imagick Module missing. How to Install imagick Module Open SSH or terminal and login there. Now check php version using php -v command. Then enter command – sudo apt install php8.1-imagick Change php8.1 to your current […]

I have simple one code for change upload file limit. When you have wordpress website on Google cloud and you want to upload files largen then 2MB. So use use given code on your google cloud wordpress’s terminal How to Do Open google cloud’s terminal or SSH. Use sudo nano /etc/php/8.1/fpm/php.ini command. Now find and […]

You don’t know how to install redis on WordPress. So i tell you how you can install it easily using command and plugins. So now follow steps on Cpanel. on VPS and Dedicated hosting 1st Step Open cpanel and open Terminal. write command yum update then press enter button. write command yum install redis then […]


Hey! you have a own VPS or Dedicated server and want to install imagick module, But you don’t know how to install imagick module. So follow simple steps on VPS or Dedicated server. How to Do Login in WHM panel first. Then go to Software section and click to Module Installers. Then click to Manage […]


अप अपनी वेबसाईट को आसानी से किसी सर्वर या hosting मे move या अपग्रेड कर सकते हैं । आपके पास अच्छा इंटरनेट होना चाहिए जो बड़ी से बड़ी फाइल को जल्दी डाउनलोड और अपलोड करने मे सक्षम हो । कैसे करें मैं आपको दो आसान से तरीके बताऊँगा जिसे follow कर के आप किसी भी […]