
Get YouTube API key and use on your tool website. So follow simple steps from your Device. How To Do Open or click Here. Then click on APIs & Services. Then click on API Library and scroll down and click to YouTube. Click Credentials and Create Credentials. Now Generate/Get YouTube API. Hope you can […]


You want to embed multiple YouTube video on post. So you can easily embed two or more videos using shortcode on WordPress post. How to Do Open functions.php file and paste code. function video_embed_shortcode($atts) { $atts = shortcode_atts(array( ‘ids’ => ”, ‘prev_label’ => ‘Official Video’, ‘next_label’ => ‘Full Audio’, ), $atts, ‘video_embed’); $videoIds = explode(‘,’, […]


Zara Hatke Zara Bachke is an Indian Hindi language Romantic & Comedy film. This film written by Laxman Utekar, Maitrey Bajpai, Ramiz Ilham Khan and directed by Laxman Utekar.  Dinesh Vijan, Jyoti Deshpande is producer of Zara Hatke Zara Bachke movie. Zara Hatke Zara Bachke film distributed by Jio Studios. Details of Zara Hatke Zara […]


DDoS Attack – A sudden influx of a large amount of traffic to a website, caused by a hacker, is known as a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack. Example: If a website usually receives 10,000 visits per day and suddenly starts receiving 1 million visits the next day, it can be understood that the […]

DDos Attack – किसी वेबसाईट मे किसी हैकर द्वारा किए गए अचानक से बहुत से traffic का आ जाना ही DDos Attack कहलाता है । उदाहरण यदि किसी वेबसाईट मे रोज के 10000 हजार विज़िट होते है । और अचानक से अगले दिन ही 1M विज़िट होने लगे तो समझ जाइये की उस वेबसाईट मे […]

Add given code on your website and make copy button for Div Content. JavaScript Code // Lyrics Copy Button var EngCopyLyrics = document.getElementById(“EngCopyLyrics”); if(EngCopyLyrics) { EngCopyLyrics.addEventListener(“click”, function() { var elemEng = document.getElementById(“spldivPrintLyrics”); var textEnglish = elemEng.innerText; navigator.clipboard.writeText(textEnglish); var EngcopyMessage = document.getElementById(“EngcopyMessage”); = “inline”; setTimeout(function() { = “none”; }, 2000); }); } Button <button […]