You want to earn money from home? and you want to simple tips for make money at home? So choose any tips and do now. Simple 5 tips for make money from Home Freelancing – you have knowledge on video editing, web development,  graphic designing or any other field. So make account on freelancer, fiverr, […]


Coffey 08 is an independent artist. His official name is Samuel John. He is melody maker , rnb vocalists , music producer, singer. Love Is Not Forever But Memories Stay Everlasting About Samuel John Stage Name coffey 08 Official Name Samuel John Date of Birth 03-08-2004 He started a career when he get betrayed by […]

If you not entered title name of post then show message for enter post title name. And if empty title filed then Publish button not work for publish post. How to Do Paste given code on functions.php the  SAVE. function title_name_validation() { ?> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(‘#publish’).click(function() { if(jQuery(‘#title’).val().length === 0) { alert(‘Enter a title […]

Set Automatically YouTube Embed Video’s Thumbnail without using any type of plugins when you embed YouTube videos using <iframe> tag or add data-id. How to Do Open functions.php file. Then paste given code and SAVE. code function set_automatically_featured_image_from_embed_YT_videos_thekroyaard($post_ID) { $post_content = get_post_field(‘post_content’, $post_ID); if (preg_match(‘/<iframe.*?src=”(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?youtube\.com\/embed\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+).*?<\/iframe>/i’, $post_content, $matches)) { $video_id = $matches[1]; $thumbnail_url = “{$video_id}/hqdefault.jpg”; $image_url […]

Show current 12hour clock time using JavaScript. So add or paste given code on your website. Let know how to add given code on website. How to Do Open website’s theme folder then paste JavaScript code on head section. <script type=”text/javascript”> function displayTime() { var date = new Date(); var hours = date.getHours(); var minutes […]