Hey! make functionality to show button when div’s id available on HTML’s current page using JavaScript. So use given code on your website. How to Do First of all paste css code for hide button. <style> #simpleButton { display: none; } </style> Then add id’s on button and div tag. <div id=”simpleDiv”>Some content</div> <button id=”simpleButton”>Click […]

Show last week’s uploaded popular post without using any plugins. Simple paste given code functions.php then paste short code for showing popular post. How to Do Open functions.php and paste given code there. function popular_posts_last_week() { global $wpdb; $most_visited_posts = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT p.ID, p.post_title, pm.meta_value AS ‘views’ FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts AS p JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta AS pm ON […]

When you make web project or design webpage, but not show live changes or edition. So use our Live HTML Executer and easily view realtime changes when you change something on code. How to Use Click to Threeline menu then click on useful tools or Click Here. Enter code on Editor and show live changes […]

When you click on button, And want to show short message but not want to showing alert box. So use given code on your website. How to Do I share my example code, Hope you can understand and you easily implement with your website’s code . So lets see this- <i id=”HincopyMessage” style=”display: none;”>☑</i> <script>var […]


When you share your post on social media, Then post’s icon not show on shared post. So add given code on your website’s theme and show post’s icon , title name or else. How to  Do Open active theme’s header.php file then paste given code between <head>….. </head> <?php if(is_single() ) { <meta property=”og:title” content=”<?php […]

Hey! in this post i share my experience to make short code for post, If you want to add button, section or else using shot code. So follow simple steps. How to Do >> Open cPanel and paste/change given code on functions.php . <?php function lyricsCopy_Print_button(){ return ‘<button id=”copyLyrics” class=”lyricsprintbtn”>Copy <i id=”copyMessage” style=”display: none;”>☑</i></button><button id=”spldivPrint” […]