Hey! you have an any one category’s website like song download, lyrics, software download and want to search word when add in span or paragraph tag. So follow simple steps and make entered word as searchable word. How to Do Add id between tag like <span id=”searchTerm1″> Antivirus </span> download for <p id=”searchTerm2″>PC </p>. Then […]

Hey! If you are theme developer and you want to know website theme error or find out missing tag. So read this article carefully and know that. How To Do Well i share two popular website. You paste your website’s URL and check error. So i tell you about two website. https://validator.schema.org/ This is schema […]

Hey! I have simple code for show only category’s name or slug name. So use given code on your website and show any one category’s name/slug. How to To Below one php code for show only category’s name name. and another code have showing only category’s name. Use which you have useful. Show Category’s Slug […]

Automatically add website’s link as reference link when anyone copy text from your website. So i have simple JavaScript code for your, Paste given code on footer then apply. How Does it Works If any one copy any text like (hello it thekroyaard website). then automatically add your post’s link like (hello it thekroyaard website […]

If you have a lot of hair fall, then you should try what I did, by doing this your hair fall will control or stop . So read the words given below and do the same with yourself. Stop hair fall without any medicine / treatment Soak 3-4 almonds in 250 ml water before going […]

आपके बाल बहुत झड़ते है तो आप वो कर के एक बार देखिए जो मैंने किया , ऐसा करने से आपके झड़ते बालों मे सुधार होगा । तो नीचे दिए हुए शब्दों को पढिए और आप भी अपने साथ कीजिए । बिना किसी medicine / treatment के झड़ते बालों को रोके रात को सोने से […]