
Unit Converter is a Unit Converter software that can be installed and run on Mobile. This Education software is developed by TheKroyaard.com. You can install Education software in Android operating systems and start Unit Converter. Details Name Unit Converter Type Education Work Unit Converter Device Mobile Support On Android Company TheKroyaard.com How to Download To download […]

In this article i teach you, How you can make schema markup dynamic code for WordPress website. And you want to add schema markup without using any plugins so follow given steps and make schema markup for your WordPress Website. How to Create JSON-LD Schema Markup Open given code on any php code reader or […]

Use given simple code and add potentialAction tag  for your dynamic Schema markup, Simply paste given on your schema markup and show potentialAction on your existing schema markup. How to Do Open your schema markup code and add potentialAction  using php code and SAVE your schema markup file. “potentialAction”:[{“@type”:”ReadAction”,”target”:[“<?php the_permalink();?>”]}] Hope this code worked fine […]

Add adMob banner ads and earn lots of money, These are many types of banner ads for android apps. So i explain all banner ads. Type of Banner Ads Banner – This banner ads will show 320×50, 320×100, 320,250 size’s text, video ads. Adaptive banner – Do functionality and show ads according to your app […]

Add ads on your android app and earn money, Use Google’s adMob ad and earn lots of money from your created android app. So use given steps using computer or laptop. How to Do Open your android project first. Give permission and Add meta-data on manifest file. <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.INTERNET” /> <meta-data android:name=”com.google.android.gms.ads.APPLICATION_ID” android:value=”ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxx~xxxxxxxx” /> Then […]

You want to make some app for required app installed then run, So add given code on your project and make this type of Android app. How to Do Open MainActivity.java then paste or add given code. new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String url = “http://thekroyaard.com/age-calculator”; Intent homeIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); […]