Want to stop index some text, paragraph and any element on google so use data-nosnippet. In this article you know how to stop indexing selected words. How to Do If you want to stop indexing something from theme so open theme folder. Find out place you want to stop indexing and paste data-nosnippet inside <div>, […]

Make triple dot on your lengthy title name or any paragraph. Just add given code on Class name. So follow simple steps and paste given code on your style.css file. How to Do Open your CSS’s class. Ex. – .entry-title{.. . . .. } Then paste given between class then SAVE. Code display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: […]

You must have a YouTube, Instagram, Tiktok or Facebook account to set up a store on Amazon. And if your social media account qualifies then you can create a shop on Amazon with your own shop name. How to Do Open amazon Influencer website and login there or click here. Then click on Signup button […]

In this article you will know to add array in function, When you use any function on index.php, single.php or any where and you want to add some attributes in array, So you can easily add array in function. How to Do Open your php file. Find out <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?> . Then add array […]