How To Delete Created Youtube’s Playlist

If you have create any playlist on YouTube and you want to Delete it, So follow simple steps on your YouTube’s creator studio and delete playlist. How to Delete YouTube’s Playlist Login in YouTube then open Creator Studio. Tab on Playlist and select playlist. Open playlist and remove all listed videos. Then click on Three […]

Code Cpuntry

Use country code and name in your web development or app development project. Just copy all code and paste where you want to use or show dropdown country code. Country code and name <select name=”countryCode” class=”con-whatsapp”> <option data-countryCode=”DZ” value=”213″>Algeria (+213)</option> <option data-countryCode=”AD” value=”376″>Andorra (+376)</option> <option data-countryCode=”AO” value=”244″>Angola (+244)</option> <option data-countryCode=”AI” value=”1264″>Anguilla (+1264)</option> <option data-countryCode=”AG” value=”1268″>Antigua […]

Bluehost Tsv

Enable Two factor authentication or Two step verification security on Bluehost. And protect your bluehost hosting account from Hackers. How to Activate or On Two factor authentication Login in Bluehost account first. Then click on ICON and tab on Security. Now Enable or Disable Two factor authentication setting. If you follow this step, it will […]

Menu File

Add simple code and show dynamic menus of your WordPress website. You can easily add menu options without any types of plugin. How to add Dynamic Menu Open your active theme’s functions.php file. Paste code then SAVE. register_nav_menus( array( ‘menu-1’ => esc_html__( ‘Primary’, ‘thekroyaard_spl’ ), ) ); Then Open header.php or paste where you want […]


One of the most usable WordPress theme, You can customize easily for all type of website. Purchase Newspaper theme from or search on google. How to Download Go to website then search Newspaper theme. Purchase Newspaper theme and Download. Make one time payment and receive Latest version of Newspaper theme. This theme for […]