Mass Convetere

Make a weight/mass unit converter using JavaScript, Paste given code on your PHP WordPress’s file. Then use created tool on mobile or computer. How to make Weight/mass Unit Converter Open cpanel then create page-weight_converter.php file. Then paste given two code and Save. HTML Code – <label for=”mg”>mg</label><input placeholder=”miligram” type=”number” name=”” id=”mg” oninput=”convertToOuthers(‘mg’,this.value)”> <button onclick=”document.getElementById(‘mg’).value = […]

You want to build a complex or incredibly simple website? so install Twenty Twenty Three in WordPress. You can do it quickly and intuitively through the bundled styles or dive into creation and full customization option. Twenty Twenty Three WordPress Theme Launch 01-11-2022 Type Full Site Editing Patterns 6 Support on WordPress Developed By […] Logo

Make more attractive and save your mobile/laptop using india’s no.1 company LAYER. Buy different and stylish skins for your laptop or mobile. Official website – How to Shop Skin from Open official website then tab on Select device and select. Then choose skin and click on BUY for purchase. Contact to Logix […]

Wp Pagination

Show next previous button to show next page’s  and previous page’s list, Add pagination without plugins, simply paste given code on your active theme. How to Show Next Previous Button Open file manager or active theme‘s folder. Open functions.php file and paste given code then SAVE. function thekroyaard_pagination() { global $wp_query; echo ‘<div class=”pagination” role=”navigation”>’; […]

Create Single.php File And Show Your Website’s Content

If your website’s content not show so now create single.php file in your Custom WordPress theme’s folder, then show uploaded or created/published post content. How to do First of all open active theme’s folder. Then create single.php file and paste given code there then SAVE. Code – <?php /** * The template for displaying all […]


Want to remove your website’s domain property from google search console? So follow simple steps form your mobile or laptop device. How to remove Domain Property Login in Google Search Console. Click on Settings then scroll down. Click on Remove Property. In this simple way, you can easily remove domain property from Google Search Console.